Isn't it weird, that when we flip the page on the calendar we don't know what adventures lie ahead? Like on Friday January 28, the CRTC revoked the radio licence of 88.1 CKLN in Toronto, owned by Ryerson University. On Monday January 31, I released a media advisory that Trust Communications would be applying for the vacant licence. Toronto finally gets a Christian radio station? Let's wait and see!

Then, after one of the worst snow storms to hit Toronto, I ventured into the city to tour Q107 at their new studio location on the waterfront. I could write a novel about this "radio showpiece" but someone from Q would be able to tell the story much better than I.

My Dad looked out the window of his retirement living room and saw his Chev Aveo under the snow in the parking lot. He decided he was tired of driving (age 85) and donated the Aveo to LIFE 100.3. Yes, donated! The Aveo became our third vehicle and we wrapped it with graphics to match the other vehicles in the fleet. Thanks Dad!

In February, two big promotions were happening. "Couples Night Out" was a co-presents with World Vision. WV always puts on great evenings for couples and girls. (Hey, what about the boys?!) In Newmarket Janice and I attended "CNO" with music by Greg Sczebel.

LIFE 100.3 acquired the movie rights to "Letters From God". We took the film to 13 churches across Central Ontario. Movies seem to be a big hit with LIFE listeners and it gives our Street Team a reason to visit listeners in many cities.

It is the highest revenue making station in the U.S. It's impact on other radio stations is obvious. It is also the full-time job for Ryan Seacrest. But you know what? As honouring as it was to visit KIIS, the facilities at KISS don't come close to Q107 in Toronto - in size, in class or in bigness!
March means Sharathon. This year we added social media to the presentation. In my office created a mini-TV-set where we shot video of pastors and rock stars. With AJ filming, Crystal posting status updates on line and Kristen updating the donation totals, Sharathon went into orbit! The videos that weren't posted were saved for future use. Pastors brought their church staff to Phone Central to take pledges. Artists come to perform - Sean Dayton, To Tell, Levi DenBok, Andy Taylor, Miranda Fox and Jody Cross. In the end, Sharathon totals were outstanding as we surpassed both the monthly goal and the one-time goal. Praise God! Thank you LIFE listeners!

Before the ice began to melt, LIFE went to winter carnivals, including one in Owen Sound where Ben and Woody took in the polar bear dip!

I enjoy the managerial stuff but being on-air is like playing in the sandbox. It's fun - and I miss it.
April was one month of amazing prices, thanks to Jen Melanson.
Every day we gave away a $500 prize, in contest we called "30 Things In 30 Days".

One week after the radio tour was Air Raid 19 and for the first time we took the concert to two cities - Peterborough on June 3 and Barrie June 4, 2011. The line-up was headlined by Hawk Nelson (“Letters To The President”) and supported by Manafest (“Fire In The Kitchen”), B. Reith (“Knockin' On My Door”), and To Tell (“Safe To Say”). In Peterborough more than 450 people showed up at Calvary Church which was a huge encouragement. The Barrie show had close to 800 kids at Mapleview. Hawk Nelson put on the best show of all the Air Raids. B. Reith - we had not seen him perform before but he wasn't touring in our area, so by request he came!

In June, LIFE presented "The Heart of Worship" concerts. Yes, two. We had Barrie planned nearly a year in advance with four worship artists. Bringing in four guys requires a lot of planning and we felt doing a second show would make it worthwhile for everyone. So, during Sharathon we challenged listeners by awarding a free concert in the city with the most donors per capita - and Huntsville won! Chris Bray came from London, Sean Dayton from North Bay, Dan Macaulay from New Haven, CT and Dan Bremnes from Salmon Arm, BC.

In August we launched more billboards, which we find very effective judging by listener comments. Billboards, positioned in key locations with lots of traffic, are a great way to build loyalty with current listeners, and hopefully repatriate listeners from other stations. Peterborough got their 89.3 billboard and Barrie, Orillia and Midland got the "Bad Company" campaign. The message is "bad company corrupts good character" from 1 Corinthians 15:33. Can you believe we actually got a listener complaining that we were making fun of the 70's rock band Bad Company? Yeeesh!

Woody Woodland left LIFE in July. We were sad to see him leave but we replaced him with Maria Lopez who came to us from 105.9 SHINE-FM in Edmonton where she did the midday show. Maria has a long resume of broadcasting experience from radio, TV, traffic, promotions, sales and on-air. We're lucky to have her on the team as Ben's new co-host!

Newsboys launched a ten-city cross-Canada tour. "Maple Noise" came to Toronto at Catch The Fire church, also known to most people as the Toronto Vineyard. On the tour was a big roster of Canadian bands including our good friends To Tell, Manic Drive, Manafest, TFK, Jody King and Jon Bauer.

I admit, I thought Michael Tait would last one year as their new lead singer. I kinda figured he was too big in his own right. But now, more than two years later, he is sounding great and as a band they are all looking great. Tait takes the familiar Newsboys songs and does them his way, which isn't better or worse - just different. Different is cool and fun. And man is he a great preacher! I really like the new show!

LIFE went on location to the Huntsville Fair where Ben and Maria rode the ferris wheel for three days! It was a fun stunt. Here's a video.
Evan Duran produced a sexual addiction show, hosted by Ben and Paul Lavergne a therapist. We got many encouraging reports from listeners about our boldness to tackle a sensitive issue. But I also started getting an abnormal amount of negativity - about everything. Listeners complained about the sex show, listeners complained about songs and artists we play; listeners complained about our "Bad Company Corrupts" billboard. Some of the complaints were nasty and combative. Even inside our team there was controversy. Is this like a spiritual attack meant to discourage us? Man, it sure was a discouraging time!

Late October - Gospel Music Association Canada hosted four days of music showcases and seminars for radio and artists. I try to go every year.

When Zach Havens told me about his CD release in London, (his home town), I insisted he do a companion release for Barrie fans, which he did on January 13. We picked a trendy art gallery off Dunlop Street in Barrie. Unfortunately it snowed like crazy and the turnout was less than we wanted but it didn't hold back To Tell from performing a blistering set of songs!
The application for 88.1 in Toronto was never far from my thoughts that winter. The first Advisory Committee meeting was held in Newmarket - Eric Spath, Reg Middel, Sean Wood, Paul Firminger, Herbie Kuhn, Fazal Karim, Drew Brown, Hiram Joseph and Maria Lopez. (Later TCM Chair Andrew Hamilton) We began planning for the CRTC hearing in May. Ahhh, the project that never ends.

Air Raid 20 was held at Timothy Christian School in Barrie on February 25. This show was booked four months ahead, with more prep time than any other Air Raid. House of Heroes drove their bus in from Ohio, V. Rose flew in from California, Manic Drive from Mississauga were just returning from the States and Behold! The City were the local opening screamo act. Jen Melanson was on maternity leave so Rozz Maassarany filled in, coordinating most of this event. Thanks to me we only went over budget by $2,500 - but it was worth it! 610 fans, flying sharks over their heads and batlights flooding the winter sky!

Sharathon promotion began on March 1 with this video.

Here is an amazing church, that listens to LIFE thru the static of cloud cover and supports us with a fat cheque of $5,000!
Ben gave a message about being the salt of the earth - he was at the top of his game!

Our 13th Sharathon "Lift Me Up" was the most successful to date. More pledges (1,886), busting thru the roof for goals – monthly $24,518 and one-time $148,478. For the first time, the monthly goal was reached before the one-time and it is the toughest to fulfill. This was Maria Lopez's first Sharathon at LIFE – she caught on immediately. In radio, we play practical jokes while the DJ is on the air, to see how far we can push them before they mess up – if they're really good, the listener will not notice any interruption. I poured a half a bottle of ice cold water down Jordan Cruz's shirt while he was announcing donor thank-you's! He didn't shrug! Quite the pro!

Chris Bray was back in Barrie for the second time that week. We invited him to lead us in a live version of “Shout To The Lord” – the song we always play after announcing the totals. It was an exciting, heartfelt few moments with the entire staff and volunteers in the studio, rejoicing in the moment of achievement while giving God the glory.
This Sharathon was a tough one for me. On Day One depression got the best of me; I went home at 4 o'clock feeling bummed out. I was back for Day Two, only dropping by a couple of times in midday, saving my concentration and stamina for the last 3 hours on Day Two. Also on Day Two, we were served with a letter of intervention against our Toronto FM application by another radio station – very disheartening, and then moments later, our receptionist's husband was laid off his job after 43 years.

The goals were met and God supplied our needs for another year as He promised, and Sharathon 2012 was – truly amazing! The LIFE After Party was thrown privately by a listener – a very blessed night.
The biggest project of the year was the pursuit of 88.1 FM in Toronto. Although I'm from Toronto, once I left I never had a heart for Toronto.
In October 2011, I was at a Toby Mac concert in Toronto and I felt God call me for Toronto and the fruit of that was a changed heart. I was excited for 88.1 and couldn't wait for the CRTC to approve our application. I poured everything I knew into the application - it was my best work. I formed a committee. We prayed hard.

On May 10 our panel presented our vision to the CRTC which included a short video. The video was produced by AJ The Wonderdog. It oozed with passion. We waited and prayed and waited and in September the announcement came - and we were denied the license. It left me confused. If God called me to this project and we prayed, a lot, why didn't it happen?

LIFE 100.3 brought back Karaoke Superstar for season 5. With Jen Melanson on maternity leave, Rozz Maassarany had the task of organizing it. We did seven regional auditions; some really great; one sadly untalented. My role as a judge was very rewarding. While the semi-finals were an organized disaster, in fact, probably the most unprofessional event we've ever done and I wish I could forget it, the finals on June 2 were fabulous.
Matt Brouwer joined Steve Jones and myself as the final judges. The boys in Manic Drive drove in their lighting system to beef up the stage at Emmanuel Church, and Andy Horrocks the producer of the winning artist also brought his band to give the event a live concert feel. In the end, Shaelynn August took the winning trophy.
Ben Davy left LIFE after his last show on June 25. Ben and I go back to before LIFE started, when I met him at a meeting of youth pastors. At the time he was working as a youth pastor at Mapleview Church. He asked a couple of questions about my vision to start LIFE and once I heard his amazing voice, I made a note to get him on staff.

We brought back The Saturday Morning Retro Show to LIFE, this time with me hosting. While I wasn't a Christian when many of the early songs were hits, I became familiar with the 90's and all those artist meet and greets left me with some fun stories to tell.

We talked radio day and night and across the restaurant tables.
And in some free time, I got to explore some notable places.
Like where Terry Fox started his "Marathon of Hope" and the location where Marconi made his first wireless transmission!

The tour travelled 8 hours from a small town near Pittsburgh, arriving for load in at 9am. Our local roadies got everything inside and ready for soundcheck by Noon.

Anthem Lights took us by surprise. While we know their songs "Outta My Mind" and "I Wanna Know You Like That" we didn't know they are a boy band!

The LIFE 100.3 staff party was another surprise event. Janice and I love the annual Christmas party. It's our mission to woo the staff with a great night for them and spouses, with games, and great food and sometimes a little trip.
This year, we asked the staff to meet us at LIFE, to board a bus to an unknown destination. Our motorcoach took us to the Old Spaghetti Factory in Toronto and then to see the Mirvish stage production of The Wizard Of Oz! Even the young boys on staff were raving about it!

The annual tradition of hosting the Top 50 countdown ended 2012 and opened 2013. It's one of my favourite things in radio. And it has history. Back when I was a pre-teen, I listened to 1050 CHUM playback the best songs of the year on new year's eve. Back then, I recorded the songs on my cassette! Every year since I have collected the year end chart, either when CHUM was producing them or at the stations I worked at. So, hosting a countdown, to me, is the coolest thing on the radio! Thanks to Steve Jones who researches and scripts most of the show.
2013 did not start off too good. Dad died on January 5 - he was 87. Callie was diagnosed with nasal cancer and she would die a few months later. The grieving, the will, the ashes and the hurt - it was a lot to push through.

Sharathon 2013 was entitled "We Are The Light of the World", taken from the song by Kari Jobe. Each year it's the same thing - set goals, share the vision, ask for money. I love Sharathon. I think because so many other Christian radio stations dread doing it, and do a poor job of it. At LIFE, our staff have become excellent story-tellers. Each DJ can share, personally, about the value of Christian radio, keep it interesting, and in the end, help us hit the financial goals. This year we hit an all-time in the monthly pledges $5,086 of new money (on top of the existing $22,000 monthly giving). Our one-time was $136,063 - another amazing gift from God. (Those numbers are pledged amounts - the actual amount falls short each year as people neglect to fullfill their pledges.)

On April 8, my boys in Anthem For Today shot a video for the new single "Earthquake". The scene was set at Riverside Fish and Chips in Durham, where the owner closed down the restaurant just for this event - so we could "transform the restaurant into a concert!" About 20 fans were invited to be in the video. We brought lights, makeup, gear. The video was storyboarded by the band and directed by Evan Duran. Watch the video here!
The next day, April 9, Callie died. I've said I would never put down a pet. Never. And you know what happens when you say "never", right? The horrible story is linked here. Suffice to say, we knew the end was coming and we prayed for God's perfect timing - it was. Had it been a couple of weeks sooner, it would have affected Sharathon, or the day before it would have affected the video shoot, or the week after where Janice and I had other family commitments. It was truly God's perfect timing.

The short visit was wonderful, to one of my favourite cities that is loaded with personality and things to do.
In early May, Jim Wilson Chev in Orillia traded our leased EQ for a new model and a new logo wrap, paid for through Sharathon. It is one of our very best!

Throughout May 2013, the weather was extreme from hot summery days to the return of winter storms and power outages. Four times LIFE's broadcast was affected by storms that twisted our transmitter antennas in Peterborough and Barrie, requiring the emergency assistance of stand-by engineers who have the nasty job of dropping everything and traveling to barren locations to figure out what's broken and how fast they can fix it. In the end we spend nearly $12,000 on labour and repairs.
One of my favourite things about LIFE 100.3 is the Air Raid concert series. Number 22 was a 2-parter. June 28 in Huntsville and the next night in Owen Sound. It was the first time in many years for an all-Canadian Air Raid, headlined by To Tell, with support acts The Color (who drove all the way from Winnipeg), Prosper and GMA (from Ottawa) and Anthem For Today from Barrie and Flesherton area.

Our Sharathon donors from Peterborough helped us promote LIFE with a fully wrapped transit but in Peterborough. So awesome to have the bus on a different city route each day - travelling visibility! Here is Hawk Nelson founder Daniel Biro next to our Peterborough bus!

Junky was more than an on-air personality (and probably my favourite), but he was our Assistant Music Director, he was our primary Street Team guy, he covered reception, handled programming, filled in for Steve Jones when he was away - I’ve probably forgotten other projects. A few people have returned to LIFE for a second time - I’m hoping one of them will be Junky.

The Covenant Awards are the Canadian version of the Dove Awards. The promoters put on a classy night where we all get dressed up, enjoy a prime rib steak dinner, watch the awards and live music - a great night. The band I manage - Anthem For Today - were nominated for three awards, and we won Modern Rock Song of the Year for "Inside Out". I was in total shock. My mouth must have been a gapping hole. I was so proud of the boys!

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